Terms & Conditions

1. Booking Usage, Confirmation and Payment Terms

1a. The client shall only use the studio premises for the declared purpose and only for the hire period agreed on the booking form. Feel Good Studio reserves the right to refuse to accept any booking.

1b. A booking is considered as confirmed after Feel Good Studio receives cleared balance payment or min 50% deposit.

1c. Clients must make a full balance payment (including any agreed security deposit) on or by 3 days (72 hours) before booking start time, and failure to do so will result in termination of scheduled shoot without refund or notice.

Full balance payment is required to secure and confirm bookings made within 3 days (72 hours) of booking start time.

2. Booking times

2a. Booking times start as per confirmed time and if a client is late, booking fees are incurred from the agreed booking time.

3. Set Up and Take down time

3a. Clients must include set up and take down/clean up time within the hours booked, to avoid overtime charges.

4. Cleaning & leaving the studio in reasonable state

4a. Studio or venue space must be left in a reasonable state at the end of clients booking to avoid additional cleaning charges (at discretion of Feel Good Studio).

4b. For events and large shoots with 10+ people, we have a standard cleaning charge of £50-£100 (rate to be agreed prior to booking and is depending on size and nature of the booking, and space being booked). The cleaning charge is based on leaving the space in a reasonable state and a higher rate is chargeable if the space is left particularly dirty. Any additional cleaning charges are taken out of security deposit payments.

5. Number of Attendees.

5a. Clients must abide by booking requirements agreed in advance for the total number of attendees. As our rates are dependent on total number of attendees, an increase may incur relevant additional charges.

5b. We have a Maximum number of attendees which depend on space being hired and this is to be advised prior to bookings. The specified maximum attendees must not be exceeded for security and safety reasons and we reserve the right to refuse entry or terminate a booking if a venue space is at capacity.

6. Security Deposit

6a. For events and large shoots with 20+ people, we have a Holding/Security Deposit of £150-£500 (rate to be agreed prior to booking and is depending on size and nature of the booking, and space being booked). The security deposit will be returned at the end of the booking (minus any deductions due to damage, additional cleaning fee, additional attendees or overtime).

6b. Security deposits are held as security against breach of terms and the full amount will be lost if any stated terms are breached by the client or their guests.

7. Minors

7a. Clients must ensure that all minors under the age of 16 are always accompanied by a chaperone. Minors must have parent's or guardian’s permission to be at our premises, and/or to be photographed or filmed as relevant.

8. Use of Equipment

8a. If your booking comes with lighting, sound or other equipment, all equipment used must be returned promptly at the end of the hire period in the original condition, and the client is liable for repair or replacement cost for any missing or damaged equipment.

8b. Clients may not without the written consent of Feel Good Studio; remove the equipment from the studio premises; modify or alter or tamper with the equipment in any way; use the equipment in a manner not recommended by the manufacturer; nor allow the equipment to be used by any untrained or unauthorised personnel.

8c. Any required equipment, prop or studio booking add-ons must be requested and added to booking in advance to ensure availability. We cannot guarantee the availability of any equipment or prop where it has not been specifically requested, confirmed and added to your booking (listed in booking confirmation email within inclusive extras section).

9. Breakages, Losses and Damages

9a. Clients are responsible for any breakages, losses or damages caused to the premises or equipment by the client, or any other person(s) during booking time.

9b. All equipment used is at the risk of the client and Feel Good Studio shall not be liable to the client for any loss, damage, expense, or for any consequential loss (including loss of profit) arising out of or in connection with; any damage to or loss of property by the client or third party; any breakdown, stoppage or failure of the facilities/equipment provided by Feel Good Studio.

9c. Alterations or an addition to our premises or equipment is not permitted without prior written consent.

9d. Clients must check any equipment provided and must notify Feel Good Studio at the time of supply if equipment is damaged or if the condition of the equipment is not acceptable. The client is responsible for any breakage or damage if Feel Good Studio was not notified at the time of supply.

10. Booking Changes and Cancellations

10a. Studio hire booking times can be changed with RE-BOOKING FEES as stated below, which depend on notice time provided:

• 7 days (168 hours) or more notice time provided (from start time of booking): Rebooking fee equal to 10% of total booking fee.

• Less than 7 days and more than 3 days (168 hours to 72 hours) notice time provided (from start time of booking): Rebooking fee equal to 25% of total booking fee.

• Less than 3 days (72 hours) notice time provided (from start time of booking): Rebooking fee equal to 50% of total booking fee.

10b. Studio hire bookings can be cancelled with CANCELLATION FEES as stated below, which depend on notice time provided:

• 7 days (168 hours) or more notice time provided (from start time of booking): Cancellation fee equal to 25% of total booking fee.

• Less than 7 days and more than 3 days (168 hours to 72 hours) notice time provided (from start time of booking): Cancellation fee equal to 50% of total booking fee.

• Less than 3 days (72 hours) notice time provided (from start time of booking): Cancellation fee equal to 100% of total booking fee.

11. Termination

11a. Feel Good Studio may terminate any booking or hire contract if the client is found to be in breach of any of the terms and conditions.

12. Noise

12a. Speakers are provided and Music can be played inside premises at a moderate and reasonable level (at the discretion of Feel Good Studio). Noise levels outside of our premises must be kept to a reasonable level during bookings. Clients are asked to consider other occupants and neighbouring residents when using our facilities.

12b. Music must be turned off by 11pm and noise levels must be minimised to a low and reasonable level after this time in order to not disrupt or cause inconvenience to nearby neighbours

13. Littering and Waste Disposal.

13a. Clients must not litter and drop waste on the inside or outside of our premises, and must put all litter in internal bins or in specified rubbish and recycling skips which are located outside of our premises. Additional bin bags will be provided and clients are responsible for ensuring all waste is disposed off and outside spaces are kept clean and litter free. Failure to do so will result in additional charges.

14. Cove Painting

14a. The infinity Cove floor painting fee is £80. This charge is applicable if the cove is excessively marked and not left in reusable condition (mopping of the floor is normally sufficient when not excessively marked and we can supply a mop). The cove will not always be freshly painted/spotless at the start of bookings but clients can request for the cove to be painted prior to bookings for £80. Our rate for re-painting of the entire cove to white is £350.

15. Event Bookings

We have the following licence terms for event bookings:

15a. Ensure music is turned off by 11pm.

15b. Ensure any events finish and guests have left by 12pm (midnight).

15c. Play music at reasonable levels (at the discretion of Feel Good Studio) so that our neighbours are not inconvenienced.

15d. Ensure event guests do not disrupt or cause inconvenience to nearby neighbours during events as well as when arriving and leaving.

We would advise a viewing of the space so that you can assess suitability for your event, and during the viewing we can also advise on what classifies as reasonable sound levels.

16. Non-Solicitation

16a. Clients will not directly, indirectly, or on behalf of others; solicit, induce, recruit, encourage or otherwise endeavour to cause or attempt to cause any employee, previous employee or consultant of Feel Good Studio to perform any business/services to the Client, or to terminate their relationship with Feel Good Studio.

17. Variations

17a. These Terms and Conditions are valid at time of booking and are subject to variation. Clients will be notified of any variations prior to booking.

18. Use of equipment

18a. Studio hire comes with a range of lighting and studio equipment as standard. With extras to be hired out at the request of the booker. All equipment used must be returned promptly at the end of the hire period in the original condition and the client is liable for repair or replacement costs that occur from damaged or missing equipment.

18b. The client may not without the written consent of Feel Good Studios; Remove equipment from the studio premises Modify or alter or tamper with equipment in anyway Use the equipment in a manner not recommended by the manufacturer None of the equipment to be used by any untrained or unauthorised personnel

19. Public liability

19a. The client must ensure that they have professional and public liability insurance for all persons in the studio during the hours of use, to cover any accident damage, injury or death. The booker will be responsible.

19b. Although food/drink is permitted to be consumed within the studio hire booking, the client who booked the studio is responsible for all allergies and complications that can arise from perishable/consumable items.

19c. The studio is a smoke-free venue. Absolutely no smoking or vaping anywhere on the premises. Any breaking of this rule, by you or your guests, could result in a fine. Feel Good Studio has a zero tolerance policy. Absolutely no drugs or illegal substances anywhere on premises are allowed.

20. Applicable Law

20a. The laws of the United Kingdom shall govern all agreements.